"Shut up and listen" is the best advice I’ve ever received to help get to better decisions. This is more true than ever in this new world of AI.
Shutting up is something I find really hard to do. It’s why I have a post-it of it on my screen where I can always see it during calls.
At the moment I’m having lots of conversations with folks at charities and nonprofits. Most people are slightly nervous about how AI is going to transform their organisation. They’re looking for solutions. I’m working really hard not to jump in immediately to share my thoughts!
When I’m on the call I’m taking notes and trying to make space to think. As Matt Abrahams says, ‘If you’re trying to problem solve during a conversation, you’re not listening.’
Almost everything we learn growing up teaches us to share solutions as quickly as possible. That can be helpful when things are consistent and clear. “Who won the 1997 election in the UK” has a straightforward answer. There often aren’t clear solutions when supporting charities making hard decisions, especially when stuff is changing so quickly in the AI space. It’s complex and doesn’t have easy answers.
So, I need to make sure that I shut up and listen.
I’ve been working on this for years, but it’s still a work in progress. Beyond the post-it I’ve a few other things I try to do:
→ I try to ask clarifying questions about what I’m being told rather than share an opinion
→ I work really hard to try and be ok with silence
→ I work really hard to allow myself to say, “I don’t know”
Erin Meyer in ‘The Culture Map’ tells a story about journalist Bo Chen who’s mum told him, “You have two eyes, two ears, and one mouth and you should use them accordingly.” Listening more enables us to get closer to the root of the problem. And understanding the problem is the most important step towards being able to get to a better decision.
This is a work in progress for me. I’d love to hear from others strategies you’re using 🙇♂️